Martensville Veterinary Hospital

Head Start Kitten Plan
This page has information about our Kitten Plan, but also lots of information about kitten wellness. Click on the links below, or select topics to the left to learn more about keeping your kitten healthy, how to cut nails or what to do about common kitten concerns.
Our Head Start Kitten Plan offers the newest member of your family a complete pet wellness program for their first year of life. This plan includes physical exams, dewormer, spay or neuter, dental care and all necessary cat vaccines to get your kitten off to a healthy head start!
Our recommendations are from the AAFP and AAHA, and are also what all the staff members at Martensville Veterinary Hospital do for our own furry family members!
Our Cat-Friendly Practice in Martensville is always aiming to deliver stress-free kitten exams.
The Plan Details
The following details are for our Head Start Kitten Plan. Contact us for pricing specifics and options.
Complete physical exams: Number of exams depends on the kitten’s age
Nail trims are included with exams, and if you are interested we will show you how to do nail trims.
Microchip: One Eidap microchip so your cat has permanent identification at all times
Blood work and Diagnosis: Is vital in the diagnosis of many of diseases that kittens can be born with or acquire early in their life including Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, liver or kidney disease. Bloodwork also makes anesthesia safer for your kitten.
– Includes pain medication before, during and after the procedure, advanced monitoring equipment, IV fluids, and a circulating hot water mat to keep your kitten warm, comfortable and safe
Dental COHAT including dental radiographs, assessment, cleaning, and polishing Along with providing a fresh, clean mouth, this is done to identify and make a plan to correct abnormalities like extra teeth or hidden teeth that can become a big problem as your kitten ages.
Discounts: Pet plan clients receive a discount for all non-wellness exams if they are needed