Martensville Veterinary Hospital
Patient Monitoring
A key factor in ensuring your pet’s safety and comfort while they stay at the Martensville Veterinary Hospital is patient monitoring. Based on an animal’s individual requirements, outpatient monitoring may also be required to ensure patient comfort and recovery.

A key factor in ensuring your pet’s safety and comfort while they stay at the Martensville Veterinary Hospital is patient monitoring. Based on an animal’s individual requirements, outpatient monitoring may also be required to ensure patient comfort and recovery. While in our care, your pet will be monitored by a team consisting of veterinarians and nationally certified, registered veterinary technicians. Patient monitoring can include a combination of the following, base on your pet’s requirements:
Assessment of overall function (i.e. alertness, mobility)
Assessment of capillary refill time
Assessment of heart rate and rhythm, ECG
Assessment of lung sounds, respiratory function
Assessment of bodily functions (i.e. eating, drinking, urination, defecation)
Assessment of nausea
Assessment of pain
Assessment of body temperature
Assessment of blood pressure
Assessment of blood chemistry (i.e. blood glucose, enzymes, electrolytes, oxygenation)
Based on the patient monitoring results a plan will be developed to best suit the needs of your pet.
During anesthesia at Martensville Veterinary Hospital, your pet is hooked up to a continual monitoring system that includes blood pressure, heart rate and rhythm, temperature and two measurements of oxygen status. Along with all the technology, your pet is monitored by a veterinarian and a registered technologist. This helps us make decisions quickly and catch problems early.
Please contact us if you have any questions about patient monitoring at our veterinary clinic in Martensville.