Martensville Veterinary Hospital
Microchip Pet Identification
Microchip pet identification is an important safety measure for all pets.

Unfortunately, even the most responsible pet owners can’t guarantee their pet won’t get lost. A leash could slip out of your hand or break, a pet could push through a screen door or window, or a contractor, child, or friend might accidentally leave a door or gate open.
Microchipping is a safe and permanent way to identify your pet in case he or she becomes lost. A microchip is a tiny device, about the size and shape of a grain of rice, that is placed just under the loose skin at the back of the neck using a needle. Once the implant is placed, the needle is removed. This can be done while your pet is awake. Most pets are calm and accepting of having the chip implanted. The microchip can move around a little bit, but generally stays between the skin and muscle layer in the neck or back area.
When a lost dog or cat is found, a handheld microchip scanner can be used to check for a microchip. If the pet has one, it will transmit an ID number to the scanner via a low-frequency radio wave. The veterinary hospital, town hall or shelter then enters the number in a computer data base and/or calls the chip manufacturer, retrieves the pet owner’s contact information, and calls the owner.
Eidap is the microchip company that we use. It’s an international company, meaning that if your pet gets lost anywhere in the world anyone with a scanner (vet clinics, shelters, animal control officers, etc.) will be able to track down your information, contact you and hopefully return your pet to you right away!
To ensure that your pet always returns home make sure that your contact information is current, especially with phone numbers that you can be reached at any time during the day or night. You can visit Eidap or AVID‘s website to make any changes to your profile.
We still recommend that you use a collar and ID tag to identify your pet along with the microchip. An ID tag is still a reliable identification method. Pets that have tags with current contact information are more likely to not end up in shelters, and tend to get home faster than those without tags. We don’t really know why this is, but suspect that people feel safer and more sympathetic towards an animal that appears to be owned and cared for. However, collars and ID tags are not permanent, and can be removed (overnight or for grooming) pets can also wriggle out of them. With a microchip, your pet will have a much better chance of being identified and returned to you. Pets without microchips that end up in shelters may be adopted out to another family or even euthanized.
Please contact us or schedule an appointment to microchip your pet. Although we hope your pet never becomes lost, we want you to be prepared. We can also suggest a plan to have in place so if your pet does go missing, you’ll be able to act quickly.
While dogs and cats are most commonly microchipped, our veterinarians in Martensville can microchip ferrets, rabbits, birds and scaled pets too! Microchips are a safe and effective way to help reunite you with your pet if you and your pet are separated.
In support of pet identification month, Martensville Veterinary Hospital offers discounted microchips for all pets for the month of May, as well as an annual awareness event and fundraiser the last Sunday in May from 10-2pm. Thank you to everyone who helped us get the word out and microchip so many pets, and support local good samaritans.
In 2019 , our 8th Annual Microchip Day, raised money for Canine Action Project. Previously, we have provided canine first aid kits and training for the Saskatoon Police Service K9 unit, and delivered pet oxygen masks and training for the local fire departments including Martensville and Warman. For info on the next Microchip Day, please contact us here or on Facebook. There is no limit to the number of pets you can have microchipped, but we do recommend booking in advance. Drop by and visit us for snacks, photos, tours and other fun activities!