Litter Training Kittens

Litter training kittens is usually very simple.  They naturally do it well on their own.  The tips below will help ensure success and good litter box habits for the rest of their lives with you:

  • Limit your kitten to a small area with food, toys and litter for the first few days.
  • Put your new kitten in its litter box every few hours, especially after eating or sleeping.
  • Always keep the litter box in the same area and away from heavy traffic, loud noises and potentially threatening environments.
  • The litter should be scooped daily, changed weekly and the box should be scrubbed and disinfected regularly.
  • Even a fully house-trained cat may stop using their litter box if it is too small, dirty or in an area that does not provide enough privacy.
  • If you have more than one cat, you should be using multiple litter boxes. We would recommend having one more litter box than there are cats in the home (ie: if you own three cats, you should have four litter boxes).
  • Ideally, there should be one litter box on each level of the house. We know this may not work in every household, but if you are having trouble with accidents, it is worth giving a try. Doing this will also train your kitten to use all the litter boxes now, so if they develop arthritis later in life, it will be easier for them to get to a litter box on the same floor level, decreasing the risk of accidents.
  • Ensure the path to the litter box is free and clear.  Accidents are more likely if the the door is closed from time to time or there is another pet or person in the way.
  • Some cats may prefer a certain type of litter. There are several options out there, so if your kitten seems to be avoiding the litter box, you may want to try switching the litter type.

If you’re having trouble litter training kittens, don’t hesitate to contact us, your Cat Friendly veterinary team in Martensville.